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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Local Celebrity Look a Likes Part I


  1. Thought you was a Democrat? Why are you always making fun of the Dem's and not the Republicans?

  2. Funny that someone confuses Ed Z and Connie S with being democrats!

  3. Ed and Connie don't know they are Republicans either.

    They don't know they're of the same party of the mayor.

    They don't know they're supposed to be against spending for the hell of it.

    They don't know they're supposed to support private property rights.

    It's no wonder others get confused.

  4. Yes I am a Democrat and unfortunately most of the clowns of local politics are Dem. I just call as I see them , no mean spiritness intended. They like the public spotlight so I show them in a comical setting because they are what they are.

    If a bunch of the Rep.s end up as buffoons like the Dems I poke fun at then game on I'll use them too...

    By the way Einstein, Ed Z. Is a Republican
